

Michel La Haye, M.Sc Env.

Directing environmental and biology projects since 1994, Mr. La Haye is a specialized ichthyologist. His knowledge and competence, along with his management experience, are assets in baseline studies, impact assessment, conception, realisation and follow-up of compensatory wildlife management. He participates in every step of the project from field work, analysis, redaction and recommendations.

Fabienne Côté, M.Sc Biologie

With Enviro Science et Faune Inc since 2005, Mme Côté is responsible for many different projects and specializes in the study of bats. She has been involved in many wind farm project which necessitate bat inventories as well as projects in wetland delimitation, plant inventories and CA demands.
Enviro Science et Faune has access to many other specialists including Field Technicians, Engineers, and Veterinarians.
Enviro Science et Faune a accès à de nombreux autres spécialistes , y compris les Techniciens sur le Terrain , les Ingénieurs et les Vétérinaires.

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